Posts Tagged ‘ antlers ’

Story: accepted.

Stag Artwork Favim

This beautiful artwork is from this site:


Good news on my end to finish up November. One of my short stories has been graciously accepted by Ian Whates of Newcon Press for an anthology due out next year.

The story is a dark fantasy/magical realism piece which focuses on a girl who has unknowingly been tricked into a one night stand in a long line of girls. In this world, men have antlers and rut over women. She meets a beautiful specimen of malehood in a bar but when she finds out how much of a player her new bed partner is she decides to get more than even. He will never forget her and he will have a long period of time where girls don’t find him quite so attractive.

Hopefully the sound of this story appeals to you all. I will give more information about the anthology and its release as things progress.

Until then, Happy November and incoming holidays!

Holly Ice

My Writing – Update


As I mentioned in the last post, I finally have an idea in the works for a novel but this isn’t my only success recently.

The short story – “La Morte de La Résistance” that Almond Press highly commended has been available on kindle in “Fall” and it has received some lovely reviews. Please feel free to check it out – it’s not too expensive! (Holly Ice’s Story).


In line with this, I’ve updated my about me page: Holly Ice’s writing.
I now have an Amazon author page, too!

Let me know what you like and if anything can be improved.

I also have a few more projects in the works. 10am Monday is the deadline for the BBC Story Award. As I have had things published, I intend to enter with a magical realism story.

Here’s a little snippet:

In this world, all men are born with antlers and knock horns for girls. It’s a femme fatale in the sense that the protagonist really does not like getting played and used as a one night stand.

If you’ve had something published, I highly suggest you enter, too. £15,000 to the winner, £3,000 to the runner up and three lots of £500 to the next three shortlisted. That’s good money for a free to enter competition!

Two anthologies also have deadlines on the horizon – The Alchemy Press and Newcon Press. I intend to enter the Urban Mythic anthology with a story based on an on Scottish fairy tale and modernized to city life rather than rural farms.

I have a few more stories on the burner I’ve yet to place, too.


As I mentioned in the previous post, myth, legend (and even ghost stories) can be great inspiration. Let me know if there are any stories you want to share!

My friends will tell you I usually jump a mile at anything jumpy and can get really scared BUT my friend and I have a solution – a beautiful den! (Remember those from when you were little? I highly recommend it to counteract the chills!)


As always, my twitter: Holly Emma Ice
And, again for ease of finding, my about me page: Holly’s writing.

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